Dungeons & Dragons Heroes Xbox - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg

Dungeons & Dragons Heroes Xbox - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg



More Cheat Codes

Dexterity up to 10 - ZXE053    Constitution up to 10 - N STINE    10, 000 Exp - DSP633    500, 000 Gold - KNE637    10 Tome of Lessons - PAQUIN    10 Tome of Apprentice -BILGER    10 Tome of Teacher - MEFFORD    10 Tome of Master - SPANBURG    NOTE: Each time you hit the accept button you'l recieve the number listed for each item.  

Cheat Mode

While playing a game, hold L and press A + Y to display the code entry box, which allows one of the following cheat codes to be entered:

Invincibility   Enter "PELOR" as a code.    Nightmare difficulty setting   Enter "MPS LABS" as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game on the   normal difficulty setting.    Unlimited Mystical Will   Enter "OBADHAI" as a code.    View credits   Enter "CREDITS" as a code.    10 Anti-Venom   Enter "SPINRAD" as a code.    10 Berserk Brew   Enter "THOMAS" as a code.    10 Fash Freeze   Enter "ESKO" as a code.    10 Fire Bomb   Enter "WEBER" as a code.    10 Fire Flask   Enter "BROPHY" as a code.    10 Firey Oil   Enter "EHOFF" as a code.    10 Globe Potion   Enter "WRIGHT" as a code.    10 Insect Plague   Enter "DERISO" as a code.    10 Keys   Enter "KEIDEL" as a code.    10 Keys   Enter "SNODGRASS" as a code.    10 Large Healing Potions   Enter "THOMPSON" as a code.    10 Large Will Potions   Enter "GEE" as a code.    10 Medium Potions of Will   Enter "LU" as a code.    10 Potions of Haste   Enter "UHL" as a code.    10 Pyrokins   Enter "SMITH" as a code.    10 Rod of Destruction   Enter "AUSTIN" as a code.    10 Rod of Fire   Enter "DELUCIA" as a code.    10 Rod of Miracles   Enter "JARMAN" as a code.    10 Rod of Missiles   Enter "MILLER" as a code.    10 Rod of Reflection   Enter "WHITTAKE" as a code.    10 Rod of Shadows   Enter "DINOLT" as a code.    10 Thrown Axe of Ruin   Enter "RAMERO" as a code.    10 Thrown Daggers of Stunning   Enter "BELL" as a code.    10 Thrown Daggers   Enter "MOREL" as a code.    10 Thrown Halcyon Hammer   Enter "PRASAD" as a code.    10 Thrown Hammer   Enter "BRATHWAI" as a code.    10 Thrown Viper Axe   Enter "FRAZIER" as a code.    10 Thrown Viper Axe   Enter "HOWARD" as a code.    10 Thuderstone   Enter "ELSON" as a code.    10 Tome of Lessons   Enter "PAQUIN" as a code.    10 Tome of the Apprentice   Enter "BILGER" as a code.    10 Tome of the Teacher   Enter "MEFFORD" as a code.    10 Tomes of the Master   Enter "SPANBURG" as a code.    10 Warp Stones   Enter "HOPPENST" as a code.    10 Holy Water   Enter "CRAWLEY" as a code.    Disable all active cheats   Enter "UNBUFF" as a code.  


We have no unlockables for Dungeons & Dragons Heroes yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


Duplicating Items

Play a multi-player game. Obtain an item you wish to duplicate. Save your game. Drop the item. Have the person that had the item leave the party. Then, have that person rejoin the game and load the character that they just saved. You now have the item and another one of it on the ground.

Easter eggs

We have no easter eggs for Dungeons & Dragons Heroes yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no glitches for Dungeons & Dragons Heroes yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Keywords: Cheats Dungeons & Dragons Heroes, Cheats Xbox, Dungeons & Dragons Heroes, Cheat Game, Walkthrough Game


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