Forza Motorsport Xbox - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg

Forza Motorsport Xbox - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg



900 Million Credits

Enter tEAm4za as your profile name.

All Cars Unlocked

Start a new profile name as nOsLiW.

All Cars And Levels Unlocked



We have no unlockables for Forza Motorsport yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


Forza On Multiple Screens

This describes how to run Forza on multiple screens as shown in big events setup   by Microsoft.    Note: For this to work, you MUST have a seperate Xbox and copy of Forza for EVERY   additional screen you wish to use, and all Xboxes must be on the same network   together.    1. Start all your individual copies of Forza.    2. On each copy of the game, go to the Options menu, scroll to the very bottom   ("Credits"), then press the left control stick in and down. This will cause   another option, "Network Cockpit Settings" to appear. On your main screen, select   host, on each other screen, select which view you would like the screen to show.    3. Now all the screens but the host screen should be waiting for you to start a   race. Using the host screen, start a game, and the other boxes will automatically   load the track and their individual views.    4. Enjoy Forza like never before.  

Save Window Tinting Money

To save money on window tinting, scroll over to the color you want and press B. The color will still be on the window, and you will still have 500 credits.

Fast Ranking And Money

Note: This can only be done online. Have the host start the race with only a single lap. As soon as the race starts, have the host go across the start/finish line and then quit the race and return to the lobby. As the race is still going on, have the host go to the game setup screen, then go to "Laps" and set it to as high as possible. The other racers in the race will finish the single lap race. If done correctly, the racers that finish that single lap race will get paid for the laps that the host changed it to when they exit.

Infinite Money 2

Buy a Volkswagen Jetta, then install all motor upgrades. After you install the engine, reinstall the original motor. Then, go to the second motor that you purchased for 2500 credits. Press X and sell the second motor for ten times the original price. Keep repeating this as many times as desired to get an unlimited amount of money.

Infinite Money 1

Buy the VW Jetta VR6. Buy every engine upgrade and the other engine. Equip your stock engine, then sell the other engine that was just bought. You will spend 1,500 credits, but gain 45,000 credits. Then, buy the other engine, equip your stock engine, and sell the other engine that was just bought to repeat this as many times as desired to get an unlimited amount of money.

Easter eggs

We have no easter eggs for Forza Motorsport yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no glitches for Forza Motorsport yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Keywords: Cheats Forza Motorsport, Cheats Xbox, Forza Motorsport, Cheat Game, Walkthrough Game


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