Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue GBA - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg

Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue GBA - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg



Strongest Chip

If you have already beaten BASS.EXE GS and you got the chip he gives you. Move the cursor to "continue" and hold down left and press R, R, L, R, L, R, L, L. Go to secret net 3 and somewhere is Bass (You may find Serenade v2). Beat him and he will give up his BassGS X chip that does 700 damage.

Cheat Codes

Enter one of the following codes in the Number Man machine at Higsby's shop to get the corresponding item.

Item		Code    Air Chute 3 chip 	15789208  Air Shoes 		23415891  Copy Damage chip 	01697824  Enemy Search sub-chip 	87824510  Full Energy sub-chip 	56892168  Fumikomi Cross S chip 	76889120  Guts Straight S chip 	95913876  Mini-Energy sub-chip 	86508964  Muramasa Blade M chip 	50098263  Open Lock sub-chip 	35331089  Paladin Sword P chip 	03284579  Quick Gauge 	67918452  Set Sand 		19878934  Shinobi Dash sub-chip 	24586483  Spin Blue 		11002540  Spin Green 		28274283  Spin Red 		72563938  Spin White 		77955025  Spread Gun chip	31549798  Untrap sub-chip 	05088930  Variable Sword F chip 	63997824  Weapon Level +1 	41465278  


We have no unlockables for Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


Easy Navi Kills

This will only work if you have a Muramasa Blade. When battling a Navi, get yourself weak and the use the Muramasa Blade. It will be a effective hit if do it right. (The Muramasa Blade's range is two square ahead.)

Bug Style

This can be one of the most frustrating styles to obtain but is highly possible to do. You simply create an error when customizing Mega Man and leave it that way until you have a style change. This can produce some of the best customizing probrams like BugStop (Gee, wonder what that does) However it is not easy to use, you can recieve positive or negative bugs such as 500 barrier and MAX buster but can get health drain and confusion. I suggest you hold off getting this style until you have gotten 500 health or 350 if your exceptional to the game.

300000 Zenny

If you are far enough, go to Scilab do, the Legendary Tomes job after you get all the tomes DO NOT GO BACK to the ghost navi, instead go to the teacher's loungeand there there is a statue (you have to have all the tomes) that has really old chip data and it's worth 300000 zenny.

How To Get Folderbak/Navibak

To get the 200 bugfrag giga chip first go to where you fight Alpha and fight Gutsman. While he is attacking use a chip like Roll or Protoman when he has like 50 life left and he will die (you need to do this 20 times).

Omega Navis

FlashMan= Principal's PC  BeastMan= Zoo Comp 3  BubbleMan= Yoka 2  DesertMan= TV Van  PlantMan= Hospital Comp 3  FlamMan= Undernet 3  DrillMan= Undernet 5  GutsMan= Dex's HP  MetalMan= Tamako's HP  MistMan/BowlMan= NetBattle Machine  DarkMan= Secret Net 1  JapanMan= Secret Net 2  ProtoMan= Hades Net  Serenade= Secret Net 3  Bass= Secret Net 3  

Secret Net

After you beat Alpha go back to where you got the Forbidden Program and jack in. You have to have beaten Alpha and collected at least 100 battle chips.

Master Style P.A.

In order to use master style you have to have Salamander* Fountain* Bolt* Gaiablad* in that order and you should come up with master style. NOTE: Standout* Watrline* Ligtning* and Gaiaswrd* DO NOT work together.

Good Megachips

The BugFrag trader in Secret Net 3 (The one that if you put in 300 BugFrags you get to face Bass GS) can sometimes give you good megachips like JapanMan V3.

Easter eggs

We have no easter eggs for Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no glitches for Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Keywords: Cheats Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue, Cheats GBA, Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue, Cheat Game, Walkthrough Game
