New Chrome Features To Increase PC Battery Life Up To 28%

New Chrome Features To Increase PC Battery Life Up To 28%

110 - Google Chrome has always had a bad reputation for monopolizing batteries, especially when you open multiple tabs. But now, Google plans to improve it through a new feature in Chrome 86 that will reduce energy usage by killing unnecessary timers and JavaScript trackers when there are tabs in the background.

According to TheWindowsClub, this experimental Chrome feature throttles background processes for tabs, including activities like those that check your scrolling position, report logs, and analyze interactions with ads. Reducing the javascript wake-up timer to 1 minute for background tabs is expected to improve laptop battery life by 28% that roughly translates into 2 hours.

In the test case, Google found that after loading 36 random background tabs and the foreground tab empty, the battery life increased by 28%. But in a more realistic scenario where there are 36 random background tabs and foreground tabs playing, say, YouTube videos - the battery life still managed to increase by 13% (36 minutes).

The Safari browser already uses a 1-minute polling interval, but keeping such short intervals can sometimes cause web application problems. Therefore, Google considers the same thing for 5 minutes of inactivity.

This new Chrome feature is only available as a flag in the Chrome 86 build preview, but it will be available for all mobile and desktop versions (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and Chrome OS) if all are released.

Keywords: battery life, Chrome, Chrome Battery Consumption, Google, save battery life on chrome, do chrome extensions consume battery
