Spectrobes Nintendo DS - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg

Spectrobes Nintendo DS - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg



We have no cheats or codes for Spectrobes yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


To Get Tindera

To get Tindera you must have beaten most of the game. Once you have gotten the ruin ship you go to Himuro and you have to press 2 switches and then you go and get to a control panel and change the way Himuro is facing then you can then enter the atmosphere of Meido and go to it. But you will see a green flash, like when you search for minerals but you don't have to search, on the control panel on Himuro. Go to Aldous and he will tell you what the Crystal means. Press A and you'll get the Relic Crystal and you go to Genshi and can enter the second area and travel some and you'll find a clearing of lava. You have to cut off the streams flowing into it. The Relic Crystal will do it automatically for you. Then the lava will be gone and go to the middle and you'll see another green flash and you get the flame geo and you equip it and in battle charge up 3 bars and you can summon Tinders to take out nearly any foe!


Get the zeta cube and evolve a adult form in the incubator.


Card Input System

Go to the yree near the muesem on Kollin. Use your Spectrobe to search around. You will find the Upsillon Cube. Bring it to Aldous and it will unlock the Card Input System.

Undamaged Fossils!

Change the mic sensitivity to the max, and when you find a fossil, just change the volume to the max, tap the Sonic Excavator, and sit back while the perpetual excavation does everything for you. 80% Minergy Left with the Custom Part intact. No damage at all!

How To Get Minerals Faster

Go to the planet Kollin, go to the guy who sells you excavating tools, buy the giga, equip it and go find minerals.

Hop On One Foot

You should know that you can walk by holding the "B" button. To look like your hopping on one foot press "B" repeatedly while walking.

Beat The Final Boss

In order to beat the final boss, you must first charge up full strength by pressing L*R. Use that on him a couple of times until he use his shield. Then (this is important) use the ultimate spectrobe on him. (I prefer the hammer one.) After that happens the shield should break. Use your final strongest form spectrobe (the one that is with you.) to beat him up. Make sure that he does NOT heal up. After you beat him your dude should say "is it over" After all the talking and the credits (No you can't skip the credits) The game will restart but save first and the level you are back at is the last place you were at. (which would probably be planet Meido)

Easy Guru

Find a cube near you ship and excavate it, remember where you found it! Then head back to your ship and go inside, then leave your ship and go back to where you found the cube and it should be there again! Keep getting more and more and then sell them for 100 Guru each.

Easy Excavating

An easy way to excavate fossils is to make the scan then while using the scan use your drill to dig around the shape next stop the scan and make tiny swipes with your stylus to excavate. This makes excavating much easier.

Easter eggs

We have no easter eggs for Spectrobes yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no glitches for Spectrobes yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Keywords: Cheats Spectrobes, Cheats Nintendo DS, Spectrobes, Cheat Game, Walkthrough Game
