Star Wars: Dark Forces PC - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg

Star Wars: Dark Forces PC - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg



Level Select

While playing a game, enter one of the following codes to skip to the   corresponding level:    Level	Title			Code    1	Secret Base			lasecbase  2	Taley: Tek Base		lataley  3	Anoat City (sewers)		lasewers  4	Weapons Research Factory	latestbase  5	Gromas Mines		lagromas  6	Detention Center		ladtention  7	Ramees Head Docking Station	laremshed  8	Robotic Factory		larobotics  9	Nar Shaddaar		lanarshada  10	Jabba's Ship			lajabship  11	Imperial Ship		laimpcity  12	Fuel Station			lafuelstat  13	The Executer		laexecuter  14	The Arc Hammer		laarc  

Cheat Codes

While playing a game, enter one of the following codes to activate the   corresponding cheat function:    RESULT			CHEAT CODE    Invincibility			laimlame  Invincibility and infinite ammo	laterminate  All weapons, shield, and health	lapostal  Full ammo			labrady  Full items, weapons, and ammo	lamaxout  Full inventory		launlock  Full map			lacds  Level skip			laskip  Display coordinates		ladata  Teleport to current map position 	lantfh  Supercharge weapons		larandy  Disable height checking		lapogo  Enemies freeze when killed	laredlite  Insect mode			labug  

Play Specific Level

Start the game with the "-l[level name]" command line parameter.

Enable Screen Shots

Start the game with the "-shots" command line parameter. Then, press [Print Screen] to save the current screen as "scrsht##.pcx" in PCX format.

Disable FMV Sequences, Briefing, And Agent Menu

Start the game with the "-c0" command line parameter.


At the map screen, hold `. Then, select a destination with the cursor keys and type "lantfh".


We have no unlockables for Star Wars: Dark Forces yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


Send Imperials Flying!

This is for amusement purposes only: First, go to a large open room, or go outside. Switch to fists and look up as high as you can. Then walk up to an enemy and punch him. He will fly into the air really high, and then fall down and die! It helps if you have the full map code on so you know where the enemies are. (This won't work on Kell dragons or dark troopers)

Easter eggs

We have no easter eggs for Star Wars: Dark Forces yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no glitches for Star Wars: Dark Forces yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no achievements or trophies for Star Wars: Dark Forces yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Keywords: Cheats Star Wars: Dark Forces, Cheats PC, Star Wars: Dark Forces, Cheat Game, Walkthrough Game


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Star Wars Dark Forces PS1 - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg

Star Wars Dark Forces PS1 - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg



Cheat Menu

While playing a game, press Left, Circle, X, Right, Circle, X, Down, Circle, X. Then   a cheats menu will appear with the following options:     Invincible: No damage.  Coords: Displays current position.  Pal mode: Switches NTSC to PAL, will freeze NTSC machines.  Supermap: Display full map of current level.  Maxout: All weapons and ammunition.  Pogo: Higher jump to reach previously inaccessible locations.   Ponder: Turn AI off.  Gamewon: Jump to next level.     To use the level skip feature, enable the "Gamewon" option on the cheat menu.   Then exit the menu and pause the game to access a new option to skip to the   next level.  

Level Passwords

Mission	Name			Password    2				09VCJGG7WM  3				18WBDP7RMN  4	Imperial Weapons Facility	885BVHMCQ8  5	Gromas Mines		!32ZNJQHT3  6	Imperial Detention Center	GV8KF!G6KL  7	Ramsees Shed		3X8MJ47R3X  8	Robotics Facillity		LMZRK4!R3D  9	Nar Shadda			BR2WYK2CQJ  10	Jabba's Ship			00GBNLJ4G0  11	Imperial City		T2GDTJG5JT  12	Fuel Station			H2DCTKH40S  13	The Executor		PPYRQP58LD  14	The Arc Hammer		RT2W121V7J  

Cheat Code

Level Codes    P3NDLDQNY2  205F6HJTOV  

Level Select

Enter "P3NDLDQNY2" as a password.

Level Select And All Guns

Enter "205F6HJT0V" as a password.


We have no unlockables for Star Wars Dark Forces yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no tips for Star Wars Dark Forces yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Easter eggs

We have no easter eggs for Star Wars Dark Forces yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no glitches for Star Wars Dark Forces yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Keywords: Cheats Star Wars Dark Forces, Cheats PS1, Star Wars Dark Forces, Cheat Game, Walkthrough Game


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