Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Xbox - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Xbox - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg



Cheat Mode

Pause the game, then hold L + R and press White to display a cheat menu that allows you to give yourself points, invulnerability, ammo, and adrenaline. You can also turn off the bots' adrenaline, and give yourself as many points as desired.

Coup De Grace Moves

Lock onto a frozen opponent in melee mode. Then, enter one of the following combos when you get close enough:

Anubis: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Up, A, R.   Arc-lite: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Right, A(3), Left Analog-stick Left.   Brock: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Right, Left Analog-stick Left, A(2).   Devastation: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Up, Left Analog-stick Left, Left Analog-stick Down, Left Analog-stick Right, L.   Gorge: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Right, A, L + R, A.   Lauren: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Left, Left Analog-stick Right, R.   Malcolm: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Down, Left Analog-stick Up, A, L.   Raiden: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Up, Left Analog-stick Down(3), A.   Raptor: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Down, Left   Analog-stick Left, Left Analog-stick Up, Left Analog-stick Right, R.   Saphire: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Up, Left Analog-stick Down, L, Left Analog-stick Up, A.   Selket: Press X, Y, Left Analog-stick Down, A(2), L, R.   Sobek: Press X, Y, R, Left Analog-stick Down, Left Analog-stick Up(2).   Szalor: Press X, Y, L + R, Left Analog-stick Down(2), Left Analog-stick Up.   Torgr: Press X, Y, L, R, L, Left Analog-stick Up(2), Left Analog-stick Down.   
Or follow the buttons above the character you frozen.


We have no unlockables for Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


Underground On Apex

Go to the Super Adrenaline and go the staircase closest and go DOWN the stairs. Turn around. You should see a black thing close to the left side of the stairs. Drop between the metal thing and the stairs. You'll be under the map. Don't go to far out though or else you will obliterate.

Good Sniping Point On Remnant

First, you have to go to the elevator near the U-damage power up. Use the elevator as a super jump by jumping at the right time while the elevator is going up. Try to land on the gray broken pillar on the roof of the building. Once there, jump to a ledge on the archway. Once on the ledge, walk to the side where it looks like you can jump up the archway. Double jump and press R and you will land on top of the arch.

Invisibility On Apex

Go to the only elevater on the map and turn around. Wall jump over the wall and invisibility is right there.

Good Sniping Point On Apex

Go to the Super adrenelaine and look at the U-damage. If you look left, You will see a little corner about where the path begins. Use that corner and wall jump onto the ledge where the corner is. Once there, walk along the metal until you get to the wire. Walk along the wire too. You will be on top of the U-damage building.

Keep Moving!

Always keep moving when playing this game or any other shooting game.

Play As Torgr

Successfully complete the Szalor tournament ladder to unlock Torgr.

Play As Selket

Successfully complete the Ascension Rites ladder to unlock Selket

Play As Raiden

Successfully complete all fifteen challenges in challenge mode to unlock Raiden from Mortal Kombat.

Play As Malcolm

Successfully complete one of each game type versus human competition to unlock Malcolm.

Play As Gorge

Successfully complete the Malcolm tournament ladder to unlock Gorge

Play As Devastation

Reach rung 14 of the Ascension Rites ladder to unlock Devastation

Play As Brock

Successfully complete the Lauren tournament ladder to unlock Brock.

Play As Anubis

Successfully complete the Ascension Rites ladder to unlock Anubis.

Weapon Master mutator

Successfully complete rung 3 of the Malcolm tournament ladder to unlock the Weapon Master mutator.

Wall Crawl Mutator

Successfully complete rung 3 of the Raiden tournament ladder to unlock the Wall Crawl mutator.

Volatile Mutator

Successfully complete the Malfunction challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Brock 6, , Sobek 4 to unlock the Volatile mutator.

Vampire Mutator

Successfully complete the Day Of The Vampire challenge to unlock the Vampire mutator.

Rounds (Best Of 3 Or 5) Mutator

Successfully complete rung 12 of Ascension Rites or rung 8 of the Torgr tournament ladder to unlock the Rounds (Best of 3 or 5) mutator.

Retribution Mutator

Successfully complete the Graduation challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Brock 9, Malcolm 5, Selket 7, or Torgr 8 to unlock the Retribution mutator.

Random Pickup Respawn Mutator

Successfully complete the Malfuntion challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Arclite4, Devastation 8, Gorge 8 to unlock the Random Pickup Respawn mutator.

Radioactive Mutator

Successfully complete the Malfunction challenge or rung 4 of the Gorge tournament ladder to unlock the Radioactive mutator.

Quad Jump Mutator

Successfully complete the Taking Flight challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Ascension Rites 8, Arclite 8 to unlock the Quad Jump mutator.

No Lock Mutator

Successfully complete the Graduation challenge or rung 8 of the Lauren tournament ladder to unlock the No Lock mutator.

Low Grav/Low Grav All Mutator

Successfully complete the Taking Flight challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Devastation 2, Sapphire 5 to unlock the Low Grav/Low Grav All mutator.

Looting Mutator

Successfully complete the Malfuntion challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Arclite 2, Selket 8 to unlock the Looting mutator.

InstaGib Mutator

Successfully complete the Sharpshooter challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Ascension Rites 7, Gorge 9, Sapphire 3 to unlock the InstaGib mutator.

Friendly Fire Damage Mutator

Successfully complete the Malfunction challenge or one of the following tournament ladder rungs: Arclite 6, Raptor 4, Sapphire 2 to unlock the Friendly Fire Damage mutator.

Double Adrenaline Mutator

Successfully complete the following tournament ladder rungs: Anubis 7, Gorge 1, Lauren 1, Raiden 1, Raptor 1, Selket 1, Sobek 10, Szalor 1 to unlock the Double Adrenaline mutator.

Announce Power-Ups Mutator

Successfully complete rung 8 of the Raptor tournament ladder to unlock the Announce Power- Ups mutator.

Adrenaline Jumps Mutator

Successfully complete rung 2 of the Lauren tournament ladder, and rung 3 of the Selket tournament ladder to unlock the Adrenaline Jumps mutator.

Syzygy bot

Successfully complete rung 5 of the Devastation tournament ladder to unlock the Syzygy bot.

Nepthys Bot

Successfully complete rung 6 of the Gorge tournament ladder to unlock the Nepthys bot.

Mirage Bot

Successfully complete rung 5 of the Sobek tournament ladder to unlock the Mirage bot.

Memphis Bot

Successfully complete rung 5 of the Brock tournament ladder to unlock the Memphis bot.

Kraag Bot

Successfully complete rung 3 of the Lauren tournament ladder to unlock the Kraag bot.

Korig Bot

Successfully complete rung 3 of the Raptor tournament ladder to unlock the Korig bot.

Judas Bot

Successfully complete rung 4 of the Sapphire tournament ladder to unlock the Judas bot.

Jackhammer Bot

Successfully complete rung 5 of the Arclite tournament ladder to unlock the Jackhammer bot.

Hyena Bot

Successfully complete rung 7 of the Ascension Rites ladder to unlock the Hyena bot.

Darius Bot

Successfully complete rung 3 of the Szalor tournament ladder to unlock the Darius bot.

Corrosion Bot

Successfully complete rung 2 of the Anubis tournament ladder to unlock the Corrosion bot.

Calypso Bot

Successfully complete rung 5 of the Malcolm tournament ladder to unlock the Calypso bot.

Apophis Bot

Successfully complete rung 16 of the Ascension Rites ladder to unlock the Apophis bot.

Play As Torgr

Successfully complete the Szalor tournament ladder to unlock Torgr.

Play As Selket

Successfully complete the Ascension Rites ladder to unlock Selket.

Play As Raiden

Successfully complete all fifteen challenges in challenge mode to unlock Raiden from Mortal Kombat.

Play As Malcolm

Successfully complete one of each game type versus human competition to unlock Malcolm.

Play As Gorge

Successfully complete the Malcolm tournament ladder to unlock Gorge.

Play As Devastation

Reach rung 14 of the Ascension Rites ladder to unlock Devastation.

Play As Brock

Successfully complete the Lauren tournament ladder to unlock Brock.

Play As Anubis

Successfully complete the Ascension Rites ladder to unlock Anubis.

Easter eggs

We have no easter eggs for Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no glitches for Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Keywords: Cheats Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict, Cheats Xbox, Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict, Cheat Game, Walkthrough Game


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