WWE Survivor Series GBA - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg

WWE Survivor Series GBA - Cheats, Hints, Easter Egg



We have no cheats or codes for WWE Survivor Series yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no unlockables for WWE Survivor Series yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


Finishing Moves

Randy Orton  RKO - front grapple + select  RKO (2)- run towards opponent + select    Tripple H  Pedigree - front grapple + select  Pedigree (2)- kick + select    Booker T  Book end - front grapple + select  Scissors kick - kick + select    Edge  Spear - run towards opponent + a and left or   right together  Edgecution - front grapple + select  Edgecution (2)- kick + select  Edge O' Pin - behind grapple + select    Shawn Michaels  Sweet Chin music - opponent standing + select   from back or front of opponent  Sweet Chin music (2)- kick + select    John Cena  FU - front grapple + select    Christian  Unprettier - behind grapple + select  Reverse slam - front grapple + select    Kurt Angle  Angle lock - opponent on his stomach + select   near legs  Angle slam - front grapple + select  3 german suplexes - behind grapple + select    Chris Benoit  3 german suplexes - behind grapple + select  Cripple Crossface - Opponent on his stomach on   the mat + select near hands    Chavo Guerrero  Chavo slam - front grapple + select  Frog Splash - on turnbuckle + opponent on his   back on the mat + select      Chris Jericho  Walls of Jericho - opponent on his back on the   mat + select near legs  3 german suplexes - behind grapple + select  Head scissors - run towards opponent + select    Eddie Guerrero  3 Amegos or 3 suplexes - front grapple + select  Five star frog splash - on turnbuckle + opponent   on his back on the mat + select      Rob Van Dam  Five Star Frog Splash - on turnbuckle + opponent   on his back on the mat + select    Rey Mysterio  Standing Face Buster - front grapple + select  Runnning Face Buster - run towards opponent +   select    Kane  Chokeslam - front grapple + select    The Undertaker  Chokeslam - grapple + a and left or right together  Last Ride - kick + select  Tombstone Pile Driver - front grapple + select  
Finishing moves can only be done when the special meter is full except for The Undertakers chokeslam and Edges spear. The Undertakers chokeslam and Edges spear can be done at anytime.

Easter eggs

We have no easter eggs for WWE Survivor Series yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.


We have no glitches for WWE Survivor Series yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Keywords: Cheats WWE Survivor Series, Cheats GBA, WWE Survivor Series, Cheat Game, Walkthrough Game
