Garmin Ransomware Attack: All Services Down For Hours

Garmin Ransomware Attack: All Services Down For Hours


Companies manufacturing smart devices that can be used by Garmin reported experiencing a ransomware attack that caused all online services to be closed. The company's GPS service is facing blackouts all over the world, and if you use a Garmin device, you might face a problem. All services, including Garmin Connect, the Garmin fitness tracking application, the Garmin telephone system, customer service, and email services, have been affected by outages.

Immediately after the outage, Garmin posted a message on Twitter informing users about the outage. However, according to the Taiwan iThome website, Garmin's IT staff has sent a memo saying that the company's servers have been compromised. According to several unconfirmed reports, Garmin was attacked by the WastedLocker ransomware.

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WastedLocker ransomware is the latest type that is believed to have been developed by Evil Corp. - the group behind the popular ransomware, including Bit Paymer and Dridex. Evil Corp has a history of targeting companies based in the US. While there is no concrete evidence to confirm that the outage occurred because of a ransomware attack, Garmin has clarified that "maintenance" is the reason for service closure.

Unexpected maintenance lasts 12 hours in Japan and India, and other websites and services are back online now. This further fueled speculation that the ransomware attack was the reason behind the long absence of the Garmin service.

Cybersecurity has emerged as one of the main problems for corporations. Twitter hacking has recently further proven that malicious actors are following security mechanisms, and companies need to invest more in securing their user data and digital resources.

Keywords: garmin ransomware, ransomware garmin, ransomware garmin connect, garmin connect, ransomware news
