Fortnite Skin Trading: Everything we know so far

Fortnite Skin Trading: Everything we know so far


Players have been desperately asking the Fortnite developers for a skin trading feature. Some other games that have cosmetics allow trading. This allows players to buy or exchange rare items that don't appear in the shop. If a feature like this ever arrived in Epic's Battle Royale, it would be hugely popular.

However, Epic Games has clarified its stance on skin trading in Fortnite. According to the developer, the game does not support any cosmetic trading for now. This is because of the possible gambling and fraud that accompanies trading in goods.

Following Rocket League, will Fortnite also get trading skins?

Fortnite has its fair share of rare skins, emotes, and other cosmetics. Given the limited-time nature of many of these, some players are missing out on a lot of cosmetics. To own these bragging rights, players are ready to pay thousands of dollars for this skin.

Epic Games currently has Rocket League, which already has a trading system. Therefore, fans hope that after the good response by trading skins in Rocket League, the developers will also introduce something similar in Fortnite.

"Trading with other players is not a supported feature in Fortnite. Drop items for other players at your own risk, so if you do choose to trade by dropping items, please be cautious of scams that can result in losing your items."

Unfortunately, there is still no indication from Epic Games about the arrival of trading skins in Fortnite.

Fans desperately want skin trading in Fortnite

Several creators have tried to gather players' opinions on the issue of skin trading in Fortnite. The majority opinion seems to be in favor of such a feature as it is the only way players can get rare skins in Fortnite.

fortnite skin trading tweet

Epic already has a fraud problem because people are using account trading to solve skin trading problems. This is even worse than the consequences of the skin trade. To combat this, players are now urging Epic to bring even the rarest skins to the item shop in rotation.

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Without skin trading in Fortnite, players feel that the only solution is to remove skin exclusivity. However, it would not be economically viable for Epic Games. Obviously, at this point, introducing leather trading would be the right move.

Keywords: fortnite, fortnite skin trading, fortnite skin, skin trading


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