New Fortnite XP glitch rewards players with unlimited levels

New Fortnite XP glitch rewards players with unlimited levels


The new Glitch Fortnite XP allows players to level up indefinitely and unlock all the rewards of the Chapter 3 Season 3 Battle Pass without any effort.

Like many of Fortnite XP's other annoyances, it doesn't require players to play the game. The glitch just needs to be set up properly, and players will earn XP from it even when away from the game.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3

One of the easiest ways to earn XP in Fortnite is to use XP glitches. These glitches are usually patched within a few days, which is why players are always looking for new ones.

Thankfully, there are plenty of players creating new Creative maps with the glitches of Fortnite XP, allowing others to level up without much effort.

How to use the new Fortnite XP glitch to increase XP gain

To passively gain XP in Chapter 3 Season 3, you must follow the steps below:

  • Join the Creative map with this code: 5054-5057-3365
  • Once you get into the map, wait for 10 minutes
  • Go up the stairs and interact with the XP room button
  • Move to the room with tomato heads and interact with the AFK XP button

At this point, you'll start to passively gain XP, and you won't need to take any further action. However, by following the four steps above, you will only gain a small amount of XP, and it will take a long time to get even one level.

Here are some additional steps you can take to drastically increase your XP gain:

  • Return to the arena and jump down to it
  • Build three floor pieces on the left side of the waterfall (while facing it)
  • Emote between the second and third piece
  • Interact with the invisible button
  • Interact with another invisible button in the room that you get teleported to
  • Go back to the room and interact with the invisible button in the opposite corner

If the instructions aren't clear, you can watch the video above by AsPe Gaming for a visual guide.

Get more XP with manual actions

The latest Fortnite XP glitch grants unlimited XP if you stay on the map long enough. However, if you want to earn more XP, there are many other things you can do.

Once you enter the XP Shop, you can eliminate chickens or bots and get Gold Bars from them. Gold Bars can then be exchanged for XP.

To eliminate chickens quickly, use a submachine gun, minigun, or Boom Sniper Rifle.

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Additional XP can also be obtained by fishing. You can pick up fishing rods and fish for Metal, which can be exchanged for XP. Smashing tomato heads is also a good way to get extra XP.

Finally, the Huge XP button will be unlocked every 30 minutes. If you stay on the map long enough, you'll be able to interact with it a few times and quickly gain extra XP.

Keywords: fortnite, fortnite xp, fortnite glitch, fortnite reward glitches


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