Call of Duty: Warzone - How to kill Krampus in the Festive Fervor event

Call of Duty: Warzone - How to kill Krampus in the Festive Fervor event


Krampus, the horned goat-like folklore monster, has invaded Call of Duty: Warzone and Vanguard to deliver coal to players everywhere. Except with this version of Krampus, Coal is a smash hit and a trip to the Gulag.

During Warzone’s Festive Fervor seasonal event, Krampus will spawn in games on both Caldera and Rebirth Island and hunt players down at random. If your number is called by the loud beast, it’s time to run or fight—or both.

“Krampus tends to spend his holidays on Caldera and Rebirth Island, where within minutes of a match starting, he goes on the hunt for sport,” Activision said. “While his choice of target is more random here than in Vanguard, he does tend to hunt down those who received coal from the Holiday Crates.”

The Krampus hunt lasted three minutes. If you survive the relentless chase, he will disappear eventually, but killing him is worth it as he drops a lot of sweet loot. Dropped loot includes large bags of cash, killstreaks, powerful blueprint weapons, and more.

The only way to fight and kill Krampus is to run and deal damage from a distance. The health pool is so high that you have to keep some distance between you and the monster as it grows, runs, and throws slowing snowballs at you.

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Team up with your teammates and focus the fire on Krampus. After dealing a lot of damage (like a lot), Krampus will drop. But be careful, the more you shoot and the more scenes you create, the more likely you are to get third-party by other teams and players. Krampus won't care.

Krampus is loud and annoying, growling around the map, so listen carefully. You can even be a third-party team that finds Krampus as he hunts down some hapless souls, allowing you to clean up troop wipeouts and then finish off Krampus for a ton of combined loot.

Krampus will be in Warzone while Festive Fervor continues until it's scheduled to end on January 2, 2022.

Keywords: call of duty, warzone cod warzone, krampus, krampus warzone, festival fervor event


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