Minecraft: 5 easiest ways to find diamonds on Android devices

Minecraft: 5 easiest ways to find diamonds on Android devices


Diamonds are some of the most iconic and highest-value items in Minecraft.

Minecraft gamers are almost always on the hunt for diamonds. Fortunately, there are several techniques that players can apply to become more successful. Here are some tips for Minecraft Pocket Edition players to keep in mind when looking for diamonds.

How to find diamonds in Minecraft Pocket Edition for Android easily

1. Strip mine

The ore generation will change when Part Two of the Minecraft Caves & Cliffs update is released. For now, diamonds are most often generated between Y levels 5 to 12 in any Minecraft world. Therefore, players should always look at their coordinates when hunting for diamonds.

Gamers have to reach level Y where diamonds are generated. Most players choose to look for diamonds at Y level 10 or 11. Once there, players can mine in any direction, and eventually, they will find some diamond ore.

2. Start from the bottom

Another similar diamond hunting method in Minecraft Pocket Edition is to dig deep into the bedrock. Once at the bedrock level, players can go at least 5 blocks away and start mining strips.

Every Minecraft player should know that digging straight down can be very risky. There was always the possibility of mining directly into the lava pool and burning to death or falling into a cave or deep ravine and hitting the ground too hard.

3. Cave exploration

Players can always start their diamond hunt by entering an open cave in their Minecraft world. Especially when the latest addition to the Minecraft Caves & Cliffs update is released, finding diamonds may be easier than ever thanks to the generation of crazy caves that will be introduced.

Some caves will be so deep underground that they direct players to where diamonds can be generated. In fact, caves sometimes tend to have diamond ores that players can find.

When Caves & Cliffs part two is released, diamond ore will likely be exposed more often in the cave. The cave will be deeper and wider than before, causing the exposed diamonds to increase significantly.

4. Lava pools

One way to find diamond ore in Minecraft Pocket Edition is to search for lava pools first. Most Minecraft worlds will produce many pools of lava near the bedrock level and can be heard before being seen thanks to the sound effects.

Lava pools are always a great place to find diamonds. Due to the place where lava pools form in the Minecraft world, likely, diamonds will also be generated around these areas. Many lava pools have even exposed diamonds near them.

Of course, players should always be careful to mine diamonds around the lava pool. Diamonds can easily fall directly into the lava after being mined, causing them to burn and be lost forever.

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5. Loot chests

There are tons of locations around the Minecraft world that feature incredible loot, including diamonds. Making use of this location eliminates the need to mine tedious diamonds when needed in an emergency.

Many structures in Minecraft can give players diamonds. These places include:

  • Mineshafts
  • Buried treasure chests
  • Desert temples
  • Jungle temples
  • Shipwrecks
  • Strongholds
  • Villages
  • Bastion remnants
  • Nether fortress

If a player can find one of the above structures, there is always a chance that the diamond will be in the loot chest.

Keywords: minecraft, minecraft android, minecraft diamonds, minecraft tips, minecraft tricks


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